
Saturday, July 25, 2009


Selain potensi untuk pertumbuhan modal dalam tempoh jangka panjang, amanah saham juga menyediakan manfaat lain yang dikenal pasti sebagai menarik berbanding kaedah pelaburan yang lain. Antaranya ialah:

1. Kepelbagaian: Kepelbagaian melibatkan proses menyebarkan risiko merentasi portfolio saham dan bon/sukuk yang luas dalam syarikat, sektor, negara atau rantau yang berlainan. Ini hanya boleh dilakukan dengan adanya jumlah besar wang untuk membeli pelbagai jenis saham. Amanah saham memudahkan proses kepelbagaian dengan menawarkan pelabur kecil, kaedah untuk mengumpulkan wang simpanan mereka bagi membeli portfolio pelbagai saham dan bon/sukuk yang dapat memberikan pemegang unit, pulangan pada risiko yang lebih rendah berbanding dengan pelaburan secara langsung dalam pasaran saham.

2. Pengurusan Profesional: Amanah saham sama ada melantik atau mempunyai pengurus dana profesional dalaman yang mempunyai kemahiran dan sumber bagi menguruskan aset dana. Oleh itu, para pelabur mendapat manfaat daripada pengurusan dana profesional bagi pelaburan mereka di dalam dana pada kos yang rendah (dikongsi).

3. Kecairan: Pemegang unit boleh menebus semua atau sebahagian unit milik mereka pada sebarang Hari Urus Niaga dan prosidnya akan dihantar kepada mereka melalui pos dalam tempoh 10 hari.

4. Urus Niaga yang Mudah: Amanah saham tidak memerlukan pemegang unit melakukan kerja pentadbiran,kertas kerja atau penyimpanan rekod untuk menguruskan pelaburannya.

5. Keuntungan Modal: Melalui penglibatan di dalam sekuriti, pelaburan amanah saham menyediakan peluang untuk memperoleh pertumbuhan modal sebagai sebahagian daripada pulangan pelaburan pemegang unit.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bagaimanakah Untuk Gandakan Duit Simpanan?

Pada masa sekarang dengan kehidupan moden dan kos sara hidup yang semakin meningkat,ramai yang tidak tahu betapa pentingnya duit simpanan untuk kegunaan kelak.Hampir 80% rakyat Malaysia yang tidak mengambil peduli tentang hal ini,alasannya masih awal lagi untuk buat simpanan tetapi pada masa yang sama mereka tidak tahu bahawa lagi awal mereka buat simpanan,lagi banyak wang yang ada untuk kegunaan masa hadapan.Bagaimana untuk kita gandakan duit simpanan??jawapannya mudah sahaja,terdapat 2 cara :

(a)Regular Saving
  1. Minimum RM1000 untuk membuka akaun simpanan.
  2. setiap bulan hanya masukkan RM100 atau lebih dan terpulang kepada kemampuan @ auto-debit dari akaun gaji setiap bulan.
Dalam masa 10 tahun >> total saving = RM13000
dividen per annum = 12%
saving + dividen = RM23234

(b)Lumpsum Saving
  1. Minimum RM1000 untuk membuka akaun simpanan.
  2. Jumlah simpanan terpulang atas kemampuan seberapa banyak yang mampu.
contoh RM20000 lumpsum saving>>
Dalam masa 10 tahun>> saving = RM20000
dividen per annum = 12%
saving + dividen = RM62116

Dengan kedua-dua contoh yang saya berikan diatas,dalam masa 10tahun wang dapat digandakan dengan hanya membuat simpanan.

"Saving now for tomorow good life"

Untuk Keterangan Lebih Lanjut,

Saturday, July 18, 2009

How To Make Financial Planning Work For You

You are the focus of the financial planning process. To achieve the best results from your financial planning, you will need to be prepared to avoid some of the common mistakes by considering the following advice:

1. Set measurable financial goals.
Set specific targets of what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve results. For example, instead of saying you want to be "comfortable" when you retire or that you want your children to attend "good" schools, you need to quantify what "comfortable" and "good" mean so that you'll know when you've reached your goals.

2. Understand the effect of each financial decision.
Each financial decision you make can affect several other areas of your life. For example, an investment decision may have tax consequences that are harmful to your estate plans. Or a decision about your child's education may affect when and how you meet your retirement goals. Remember that all of your financial decisions are interrelated.

3. Re-evaluate your financial situation periodically.
Financial planning is a dynamic process. Your financial goals may change over the years due to changes in your lifestyle or circumstances, such as an inheritance, marriage, birth, house purchase or change of job status. Revisit and revise your financial plan as time goes by to reflect these changes so that you stay on track with your long-term goals.

4. Start planning as soon as you can.
Don't delay your financial planning. People who save or invest small amounts of money early, and often, tend to do better than those who wait until later in life. Similarly, by developing good financial planning habits such as saving, budgeting, investing and regularly reviewing your finances early in life, you will be better prepared to meet life changes and handle emergencies.

5. Be realistic in your expectations.
Financial planning is a common sense approach to managing your finances to reach your life goals. It cannot change your situation overnight; it is a lifelong process. Remember that events beyond your control such as inflation or changes in the stock market or interest rates will affect your financial planning results.

6. Realize that you are in charge.
If you're working with a financial planner, be sure you understand the financial planning process and what the planner should be doing. Provide the planner with all of the relevant information on your financial situation. Ask questions about the recommendations offered to you and play an active role in decision-making.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Managed funds vs. index funds

So, what's best for you? Historically, most index fund have beaten the vast majority (often over 75%) of all active funds. The reason for this is costs. Since fees leave most funds underperforming the market indices, the key is to find a fund that at least matches the market and has minimal fees, i.e., go for index fund.

Who Regulates The Unit Trust Schemes In Malaysia?

The Securities Commission is the main regulatory body governing the establishment and operations of unit trusts in Malaysia under the Securities Commission (Unit Trust Scheme) Regulations 1996. This requires that the Manager and Trustee execute a Trust Deed, registered with the Securities Commission. You may purchase a copy of the Trust Deed which is registered with the Securities Commission for inspection at the Manager’s office.

Comparison of Unit Trusts with Direct Investments in the Stock Market & Fixed Deposits

Unless a person has a very large amount of cash for direct investments in individual stocks, he may not be able to achieve a sufficient level of diversification. Losses in one or more of his stocks may substantially reduce the value of his portfolio. Unit trusts, on the other hand, have a diversified portfolio and losses in some of the stocks held are offset by gains in others. Nevertheless, a person with an undiversified portfolio may reap great returns if one or more of his stocks increase in value. Unit trust prices rise more gradually when some of its stocks' prices increase as the unit prices are based on the total value of the portfolio.

Fixed deposits are generally safe and the returns are guaranteed. Nevertheless the returns are generally lower and may be eroded by inflation. Unit trusts generally aim to achieve returns that are higher than fixed deposits but such investment carries the risk that losses may be incurred.

What are the Benefits of Investing in a Unit Trust?

Diversification – the spreading of risks over a wide variety of securities in different sectors. Normally to do this, you must have a substantial amount of money to buy a diversity of stocks. However, unit trust funds facilitate this by providing small savers with an opportunity to pool their savings to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks or you could think of it as "not putting all your eggs in one basket".

Professional Fund Management – your ability to employ a team of well-trained, in-house investment professionals who conduct full-time regular investment research and analysis in managing the assets of the Fund. With such investment expertise, research facilities and information network, sound investment decisions may be made.

Liquidity – you can redeem all or part of your units on any Business Day and the Manager will purchase them.

Hassle Free – you need not trouble yourself with complicated decision making and arduous paperwork involved in investment in the securities market.

Affordability – you only need a small amount of money to participate in a professionally managed portfolio of investment and enjoy the same benefits accorded to others when investing in high priced securities. At the same time, you can also reap better returns from a portfolio of investment as opposed to the limited number of securities which one can invest individually.

What Is A Unit Trust And How Does It Work?

A unit trust is a professionally managed investment fund which pools your money with that of many other investors with similar investment objectives. The aggregate sum is then used by the fund to build a diversified investment portfolio which comprises stocks, bonds and other assets in accordance with the investment objective of the fund.

The price of a unit reflects its total Net Asset Value, commonly referred to as NAV (the fund’s assets less its liabilities, divided by the number of units in issue). Unlike stocks, whose prices are subject to change at each trade, the fund’s NAV is calculated only at the close of each day’s trading. Hence the fund’s unit price is quoted in major newspapers on the following Business Day.

To protect your rights and interests as investors, an independent Trustee is appointed to ensure compliance of the Manager with the requirements of the Trust Deed, Securities Commission Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds and Securities Commission (Unit Trust Scheme) Regulations 1996. The manager is also required to appoint an approved Company Auditor (within the meaning of the Companies Act 1965) for the purpose of conducting annual audits of the Fund’s accounts which must be included in the fund’s annual report.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How Much Money Do I Need To Retire?

One of the most frequently asked questions I receive has to do with retirement. In particular, people are wondering how much money they need to retire. I wish there was a simple answer, but it isn't an easy question. There are a lot of media outlets out there that will throw around a lot of numbers and say you need at least a million dollars in the bank, or have to save at least 15% of your income for retirement. While these may apply to some people, the problem is that everyone's specific retirement situation is unique and it's impossible to have this magic number that works for everyone.

So, how can you determine how much money you need for retirement? The younger you are, the harder it is to calculate because so much can change in terms of your situation and with things like taxes and economic conditions over the next thirty or so years. In situations like this, you should know that you'll probably need close to as much income in retirement as you need now (adjusted for inflation of course). As you get older and retirement gets closer, you really need to sit down and start to project your expenses. You should have a rough idea of whether or not you'll be receiving a pension, what your Social Security check will be, and realistically start thinking about life expectancy and your retirement goals.